Oh yes; Kevin's taste buds have disappeared. You would think that would render everything TASTE-LESS; but no, it changes the taste, and everything tastes ... yukky. Most things. He was happy to report last night that spaghetti with meat sauce still tasted good. However, his favorite beef stew from the previous night,? He could barely gag down 4 bites before calling it quits. He is SOOOO tired of shakes; it's not that they taste bad... they just are BORING. At least he's trying.
I did buy a recommended cookbook called, "1 bite at a time" for cancer patients; sadly, this is primarily food that I would thoroughly enjoy (and plan to use it for me and my ilk...) but I am not seeing Kevin embrace most of these recipes, whatever the state of his tastebuds.
For all you who insisted I let the man eat potato chips? In desperation, the nutritionist finally said -- buy them -- he has not touched one. NOT ONE. Just.Sayin.!!!
I have to confess; I would so be embracing my lack of tastebuds!!!!!
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