Thursday, March 27, 2014

All is well... today!

Blessing and Grace… I have certainly seen both in this “True and Amazing Adventure with Cancer”.    Tomorrow marks 2 months since his surgery date!  We saw his facial nerve surgeon on Monday.  She was absolutely thrilled with how well his forearm is healing (FINALLY!)  As he was speaking to him about his arm, she became VERY excited about his face when she noticed both sides animating!  She stopped, and put him through various facial exercises, and both sides of his face (albeit the left weaker than the right) were animated.  She was laughing and smiling and told us he is 3 months ahead of schedule for the facial nerve to start animating!  Then when Kevin told her about the shooting pains he gets along the nerve from time time… that confirmed it; his new nerve is definitely working toward WORKING! 

She had NOT scheduled a meeting with the physical therapist, but given how ahead of schedule he is, pulled her in and gave her time to work with him.  Right now, we are not scheduled to go back up to Michigan until May 19!  

As for the radiation therapy and chemo, he’s really doing well.  Some of the symptoms he was told about with radiation are starting; his saliva is thickening, and swallowing is more challenging…but other than that, he seems to be tolerating it well.  The chemo is weekly, a 3 hour infusion of chemo agent, with another couple of hours of hydration.  He hasn’t had much nausea, he hasn’t lost his hair (Thank you, Lord; the man has the most gorgeous hair!!!) but he has found that every week, by Thursday, he starts to experience fatigue, and anxiety.  Friday, by end of day, he says it’s like someone just pulled the plug and he is absolutely done; it comes on suddenly, and can also be combined with the anxiety.  We get him into bed, and he sleeps through Saturday morning, feeling much better, and with full appetite!

He discussed this with the radiology nurse, who asked the obvious question:  Are you taking your anti-anxiety meds (Ativan)?   (No.)  The reason being, the drug is billed as “anti-nausea and anti-anxiety.”  Since he wasn’t nauseous… the nurse said, with a straight face, “Well, it’s anti-nausea because it will put you to sleep, and then you won’t be nauseated anymore.”  Good point!  He promised to start taking it!

He is making Chemo Friends!  They are all there together, going through the same thing… it was at that point I suggested he do Facebook.  For awhile now, when I take my Ipad to bed and check Facebook, and he’s snuggled up next to me reading all the posts.  I knew it was time… so I launched him!  Now the second I go to sleep, he’s on my Ipad checking his facebook!  Very cute.  I sent him some pictures (since I am keeper of all the photos!) so he can post them!!  (I tried tagging them and they reposted on MY facebook!  When Old People try to Facebook!!!)

We are still surrounded by the Grace and Blessing of friends and family…primarily in assisting with driving back and forth to doctor appointments, radiation and chemo.  I take him in the morning and drop him off; on Tuesday I stay while he gets radiation, then take him to chemo.  There is always a wonderful friend on the other end picking him up.

He retired the Friday before his Tuesday surgery…!  What a way to enter retirement!  But in spite of the medical treatments, I think he’s enjoying his retirement; albeit he will enjoy it far more when he can DRIVE! 

There are scary times.  When he loses all of his energy and is feeling anxious, I would do anything there is to make him well; at the same time, I know that this is FAR easier than we anticipated, and I
am grateful.  So many have it far worse!

Our friend, Amanda Cragen, who moved to Boston to go to grad school, and then to NYC came into town on her way to her niece’s birthday in Martinsville, IN.  She stayed longer than usual for love and support… that was fantastic

As the song says, we get by with a little help from our friends!

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